In the word game Scrabble, two to four players earn points by placing tiles with a single letter on a board that is divided into 15 squares. The tiles must create words that can be found in a common dictionary or lexicon and be read crossword-style from row to row or column to column downward.

Except for the United States and Canada, where Hasbro owns the trademark, the name Scrabble is a registered trademark of Mattel in most of the world. About 150 million sets of the game have been sold globally; it is distributed in 121 countries and is accessible in more than 30 different languages. One-third of American and half of British homes are said to have a Scrabble set.

Scrabble is quite easy to learn: Each word in the English language is composed of 100 tiles, totaling 187 points. That even includes “oxyphenbutazone,” which according to math is the legal Scrabble word with the greatest point total (1,778 points after bonuses).

We may not be able to help you spell oxyphenbutazone for 1,778 points with our short list of Scrabble letter values, but at least we can tell you how many letter tiles are available and how many points each one is worth. Each Scrabble player should become familiar with the game’s letter values and tile distribution. The easiest approach to queueing up your subsequent play is to know the letters you will receive in advance, giving you an advantage over your rivals.

In the well-known word game Scrabble, players construct words by placing lettered tiles on a real board or online. The number of points assigned to each title varies. Each word is worth the total number of points that its letters add up to. In the English version of the game, there are 100 tiles, and each one is valued between 0 and 10 points. The distribution of tiles in Scrabble is one of the first things new players should understand. The game is such a wonderful challenge because of the constrained number of letters. An excellent grade is not always guaranteed by having a big vocabulary.

WordFinder provides hints, advice, and Scrabble cheats whenever you get stuck on a turn due to too many vowels or consonants or when the tiles aren’t cooperating. Check out the countless word lists we’ve compiled on the website to aid word game enthusiasts like you if you want to strengthen your word power.

Language Distinction

There are 29 languages in which Scrabble is offered, and it does matter the language your game is in. Even though many languages employ the Latin alphabet for their written forms, each language uses its letters at a different rate. Although the letters Z and X are included in the Afrikaans alphabet, they are so rarely used that it didn’t make sense to include them in the game’s Afrikaans version. The LL and RR tiles are present in the Spanish version.

In this version, players are not permitted to exchange two R tiles for an RR. In Scrabble, stress accent markings are typically ignored unless they are clearly mentioned on the tiles. Every edition of the game, regardless of the language you play it in, has 100 or 102 tiles. There are two blank tiles and 100 letter tiles in some languages.

What is the value of each letter in Scrabble? Here is a list of Scrabble letter values.

Distribution of Letters and Tile Value

Here is our helpful list of Scrabble tile values, which makes it simple to determine how many tiles there are for each letter and which ones have the highest scores, which you should keep an eye out for:

0 Points

Blank - 2 tiles

1 Point

E - 12 tiles

A - 9 tiles

I - 9 tiles

O - 8 tiles

N - 6 tiles

R - 6 tiles

T - 6 tiles

L - 4 tiles

S - 4 tiles

U - 4 tiles

2 Points

D - 4 tiles

G - 3 tiles

3 Points

B - 2 tiles

C - 2 tiles

M - 2 tiles

P - 2 tiles

4 Points

F - 2 tiles

H - 2 tiles

V - 2 tiles

W - 2 tiles

Y - 2 tiles

5 Points

K - 1 tile

8 Points

J - 1 tile

X - 1 tile

10 Points

Q - 1 tile

Z - 1 tile

A Game of Numbers

Scrabble, although the most well-known word game in the world, is really a game of numbers. 61 bonus squares, 187 points, and 100 tiles. That is the entire game. There is essentially nothing else to say about it. In any game, knowing the arithmetic is a huge advantage.

You can calculate how many additional points you can get by keeping track of the letters you play. You can see how many high-value plays are available to you by watching the bonuses. Above all, if you keep track of letter value, you’ll be able to predict what the ever-mysterious bag, your opponent, and yourself have in store. The ability to keep track of that is what distinguishes masters from amateurs.